And so it begins...

Sept 6, 2014

Sept 6, 2014

Originally Sept 6 2014

The concept of the SATURDAZE blog started on SATURDAY [get it? ;)] Sept 6 2014 at a friend's birthday party. I had stumbled upon a bundle of balloons that I immediately had to have and proceeded to run around Crissy Field on a beautiful, sunny, and windy day. The concept of beautiful, sunny, and windy is still something I struggle with logically and emotionally, but that's a topic for another day. At the time I thought "well screw it, at least it's not a NY blizzard. Cool Balloons!"

Having recently moved to SF from NYC (last 4 years), I was determined to explore what all the Northern California fuss was about. From that day on I decided that I would do an adventure on a weekly basis. The adventure could be near or far, big or small. I define "adventure" pretty liberally as you may see in later posts. Since I also love to travel and had some upcoming trips I committed to 'the cause' with no excuse of location.

The goals of the blog:

1. hold myself accountable and continue to plan adventures

2. Share upcoming adventures with friends (hopefully to join)

3. For shits and giggles. Is blogging an "adventure"? I think so...

The name:

Sat·ur·day  (n.) ~ Not a care in the world

 Daze (v.) ~ to dazzle with light

......Also, "Saturdays" was taken (#stupidinternet)


Until next time. Stay Tuned.