Horseback Riding in Malibu

This SATURDAZE was a horseback riding class for myself and my mom. I booked it through Connemara Ranch in Malibu by our house. for Christmas. We rode on January 3rd 2015.

A great gift idea for the holidays is to reserve a class for yourself and a friend/family member. SATURDAZE experiences are more fun when there is a group and who can say no to a free adventure? Especially one that they might not have researched, planned, and paid for themselves. 

If the adventure is a gift, clearly you should consider the recipient's interests. Luckily, there are a variety of packages for two or more- flight classes (later post), cooking classes, workout classes, DIY classes,  that cater to all types of people. i will continue to post ideas and share in the newsletter!

Until Next Time. Stay Tuned.